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Friday, February 10, 2012

IPO Exam IV paper Answers for 1 to 150 questions


Question Booklet Series: A

1.      Freezing point of water is same on these scales:
Ans: (B) Centigrade and Reaumur        (Celcius: 0, Reaumur: 0, Kelvin: 273 & Fahrenheit: 32)

2.      The chemical name of Caustic soda is:
Ans: (B) Sodium Hydroxide

3.      In humans, Alopecia is related to loss of:
Ans: (A) Hair

4.      In which part of a human body “Hippocampus” is located?
Ans: (A) Brain

5.      In which of two projects, Punjab, Hiamachal Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan are beneficiary states:
Ans: (A) Bhakra Nangal and Beas

6.      A vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of Government or ruler is called?
Ans: (B) Plebiscite

7.      The highest honour of distinction (National Award) in India is:
Ans: (B) Bharat Ratna

8.      Match List – I (national Park/ Monuments/Structure) with list –II (Location):
List –I                                                      List –II
A. Chandra Prabha Sanctuary                        1. Maharastra
B. Bibi Ka Maqbara                                       2. Bihar
C. Sher Shah Suri Tomb                                3. Karnataka
D. Gol Gumbaz                                              4. Uttar Pradesh

Ans: (C) A4, B1, C2, D3     (Chandra Prabha Sanctuary at Southeast of Varanasi, Bibi Ka Maqbara at Aurangabad, Sher Shah Suri Tomb at Sasaram, Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur)

9.      A. No discrimination against any religion
B. Laws are not passed on the basis of religion
C. A citizen can practice any religion which he/she wishes to
D. Religious sects can set up charitable institution
The above characteristics are inherent in:

Ans: (B) Secular State

10. Koyna Project is in:
Ans: (A) Maharastra           (On 01.04.1951)

11. What is the age eligibility criteria for the appointment to the office of Governor:
Ans: (A) Above 35 years of age

12. The permanent secretariat of SAARC has been set up at:
Ans: (A) Kathmandu, Nepal

13. The Governor General who abolished the “Sati Pratha” was:
Ans: (C) Lod W.Bentinck

14. Who built the Jama Masjid:
Ans: (A) Shah Jehan            (Built between 1644 and 1658)

15. Coating of iron with zinc is known as:
Ans: (A) Galvanization

16. Identify the ATS Chief among the followings who lost their life during terrorist strike at Mumbai on 26-11-2008:
Ans: (C) Hemant Karkare

17. CDMA in telephony stands for:
Ans: (B) Code Division Multiple Access

18. Ranji Trophy is related to which sports:
Ans: (A) Cricket

19. In the freedom movement of India, the year 1930 is associated with the:
Ans: (A) Dandi March        (March 12, 1930)

20. Who is the supreme commander of the Armed forces:
Ans: (A) President

21. Razia-Begam was the daughter of:
Ans: (B) Altamash   (Shams-ud-tin Iltumish)

22. The Chemical name of laughing gas is:
Ans: (A) Nitrous Oxide      (N2O)

23. “Wings of fire” is a book authored by:
Ans: (C) APJ Abdul Kalam

24. Palghat joins which of the following Indian states:
Ans: (B) Kerala and Tamilnadu

25. Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India every High Court has the power to issue writs. One of the following is not a writ:
Ans: (C) Ultimum supplicium

26. Who is “Amicus Curiae”:
Ans: (B) A friend of court  (Latin term)

27. What is psephology?
Ans: (A) Statistical study of Elections Voting etc

28. The common refrigerant used in domestic refrigerator is:
Ans: (D) Freon

29. In which of the following states is Sariska Tiger Sanctuary located?
Ans: (B) Rajasthan  (At Alwar district)

30. Which of the following food items is rich in iron?
Ans: (B) Apple

31. Mark the correct prompts for the hard disk:
Ans: (A) C:

32. ERP means:
Ans: (B) Enterprise Resource Planning

33. For which of the following crops does India have the largest cultivated area in the world:
Ans: (B) Rice                        (II Place 34% of world production)

34. The saffron colour in our national flag signifies:
Ans: (C) Courage and sacrifice

35. Days and Nights are equal throughout the year at:
Ans: (C) Equator

36. The age qualification criteria for President of India is:
Ans: (A) He must not be less than 35 years of age

37. Identify the combination of states with bicameral legislature:
Ans: (A) Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir      (In India, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Uttar Pradesh bicameral legislature are available)

38. This state contributes 70% of India’s coffee and silk:
Ans: (A) Karnataka

39. Match the writers with their books:
BOOKS                                       WRITERS
            A. Anand Math                                   1. Ban Bhatt
            B. Ain-I-Akbari                                  2. Kalidas
            C. Meghdoor                                      3. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
            D. Harsh Charita                                4. Abul Fazal
            Ans: (D) A3, B4, C2, D1      (Bana Bhatt also called as “Bana”, Abul Fazal also wrote “Akbar nama”)

40. In which state is “Kajiranga” wildlife sanctuary located?
Ans: (A) Assam         (At Bokakhat)

41. Buddha preached his first sermon at:
Ans: (B) Sarnath      (Also known as Mrigadava, Rishipattana, Isaipatana & Migadya)

42. What is the equivalent post of General in Navy:
Ans: (D) Admiral

43. The Constitution of India came into force on:
Ans: (B) January 26, 1950

44. Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of vitamin:
Ans: (C) B1   (Thiamine)

45. Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India:
Ans: (C) President of India

46. Who became the first Governor General of free India:
Ans: (A) Lord Mountbatten

47. Contour lines on a map join places of:
Ans: (D) Equal height above sea level

48. An important process used for the conversion of pig iron into steel is the:
Ans: (D) Bessemer Process

49. Blue Vitriol is another name for:
Ans: (A) Copper sulphate  (Copper (II) Sulphate or Cupic Sulphate)

50. The international court of justice (also known as The World Court) is located in:
Ans: (A) Hague

DIRECTRIONS: (Question nos. 51 to 53) In the following questions, select the choice which completes the series.
51. A 2 C D 5 F G 8 I :
Ans: (B) J 11 L

52. 1 2 C 4 5 F 7 8 I ?:
Ans: (A) 10 11 L

53. 123 DEF 789 JKL ?:
Ans: (A) 13 14 15
DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 54 to 56) Select the one which is different from the other three:

(A) Girl                                  (B) Boy
(C) Cow                                  (D) Graze
            Ans: (B) Boy             (All other feminine gender)
      (A) 97 – 48                            (B) 88 – 39
      (C) 77 – 35                            (D) 65 – 16
      Ans: (C) 77 – 35
      (A) (4, 1024)                         (B) (5, 3125)
      (C) (3, 729)                           (D) (6, 7776)
            Ans: (C) (3, 729)
57. Find the wrong number in series:
      4, 9, 16, 25, 37, 49, 64, 81, 100
      Ans: (A) 37

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 58 to 60) In these questions, an equation is solved on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis, find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternative to fill up the blank space.

58. 475 (628) 781; 274 (____) 576:
      Ans: (C) 425

59. 11600 (19) 580; 9672 (_____) 45:
            Ans: (B) 25

60. 25 (3025) 30; 39 (_____) 45:
            Ans: (B) 7056

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 61 to 63) For answering these questions, read the following code on which all the questions are based and answer accordingly:

            If EXAMINATION is coded as 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 5 8 6. Then the code for the
            following is:

            Ans: (D) 687586

            Ans: (C) 68456371

63. MAXIM:
            Ans: (A) 43254

64. Hari starts from his house and walks 200 m. east and then goes north for 80 metres, west for 40 metres and south for 80 metres. He stops here. How far is he from his house:
Ans: (C) 160 m.

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 65 to 71) There are four friends A, B, C and D. One of them is a cricket and study chemistry & biology. A & B play football. A studies commerce. Both football players study maths. D is a boxer. One football player also studies physics. The boxer studies maths & accounts. Everyone studies two subject each and play one game each.

65. Who plays cricket?
Ans: (C) C

66. Which player studies Maths & Physics?
Ans: (B) B

67. Which subject is studied by most of the players?
Ans: (A) Maths

68. Who studies commerce and plays football?
Ans: (B) A

69. How many games are played and subjects studied by four friends:
Ans: 3, 6

70. One of the friends has been selected in IIT for engineering. The selection has been made by taking entrance test in Math & Physics. Who is the probable selected candidate:
Ans: (C) B

71. Who studies Physics:
Ans: (D) B

72. Pointing to the photograph Mohan says “She is the daughter of the only son of my father’s wife”. How is the girl in photograph related to Mohan:
Ans: (B) Daughter

73. If in a certain language PARTY is coded as YTRAP. How will NATION be coded:

INSTRUCTIONS: This question follows some pattern, choose the correct alternative to fill the places for question marks.

5          1          2
7          3          3
            2          3          2­  
        144       64          ?     
Ans: (D) 25

75. Which one number can be placed at the sign of interrogation?
Ans: (C) 37

76. Which one number can be placed at the sign of interrogation?
Ans: (A) 343

77. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in place of following arrangement


Ans: (A) 7

78. Ram started walking towards south and after walking 15 metres turns to his right and walked another 15 matres, then he turned to his left and stopped. In which direction is he from the starting point?
Ans: (B) South West

79. Pointing to a photograph Ram told Kuldeep “He is the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother”. Who did Ram refer to:
Ans: (B) Nephew

80. If in a certain code ‘HORSE’ is written ‘ESROH’. How the ‘ELEPHANT’ shall be written in that code:

81. Which one of the following is not matched correctly:
Ans: (C) 3249STU56 = 3429STU56

82. Complete the series?
A, D, G, J, M, P,
Ans: (A) S

83. If the following series are written in reverse order, which one of the following is the correct reverse order among the alternatives:
A B X 9 8 7 Z Y W 8 K 5 A T S 9 8 7 1

Ans: (C) 1 7 8 9 S T A 5 K 8 W Y Z 7 8 9 X B A

84. Find the odd man out:
Ans: (D) I

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 85 to 88) In the following questions select the choice of letters which completes the first word and begins the second. The letters in the bracket end the first word and begin the second. Number of dots in bracket indicate number of letters required.

85. TOR (. . ) AIR:
Ans: (D) CH

86. EX (…..) ABLE:
Ans: (C) PORT

87. DEC (….) AGE:
Ans: (D) LINE

88. ST (…) PLE:
Ans: (C) RIP

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 89 to 92) Six boys Amar, Bheem, Chintto, Deena, Eshwar and Firoz play a game of cards. Each has 10 cards. Firoz borrows 2 cards from Amar and gives away 5 to Chintoo who in turn gives 3 to Bheem while Bheem gives 6 to Deena who passes on 1 to Eshwar.

89. Who is having equal number of cards in the group?
Ans: (C) Bheem and Firoz

90. How many cards does Bheem have?
Ans: (A) 7

91. How many cards does Chintto have?
Ans: (C) 12

92. Who is having highest number of cards in the group?
Ans: (A) Deena

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 93 & 94) In each of the following number series, a wrong number is given, find out the number.

93. 2160, 360, 69, 18, 6, 3
Ans: (A) 69

94. 7, 8, 18, 57, 228, 1165, 6996
Ans: (C) 228

95. 15 Children are standing in a row facing north. Ravi is to the immediate left of Prabhs and is 8th from the left end. Arjun is second from the right end. Which of the following statements is not true?
Ans: (D) Arjun is 13th from the left end

96. If ONE=9, TWO=9, THREE=25, then ‘ELEVEN’=:
Ans: (A) 36

97. If A is the father of B and B is the mother of C and C is the daughter of D, then what is the relation between A and D:
Ans: (B) Father in Law

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 98 to 100) In the following diagram three classes of population are represented by three figures. The triangle represents the school teachers, the square represents the married persons and the circle represents the persons living in joint families.

98. Married persons living in joint families but not working as school teachers are represented by:
Ans: (B) D

99. Persons who live in joint families, are unmarried and who do not work as school teachers are represented by:
Ans: (C) E

100.         Married teachers living in joint families are represented by:
Ans: (A) B

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 101 to 106) Each of these questions consists of a capitalized word followed by four alternatives. Select the alternative that is opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.

101.         Hyperbole:
Ans: (A) Understatement

102.         Fragrance:
Ans: (B) Stink

103.         Eternel:
Ans: (A) Short Lived

104.         Indigenous:
Ans: (A) Foreign

105.         Consensus:
Ans: (C) Disagreement

106.         Vibrant:
Ans: (A) Dull

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 107 to 109) Choose the wrongly spelt word.

107.         Ans: (C) Obediance      (Correct spelling is Obedience)

108.         Ans: (D) Predecessar    (Correct spelling is Predecessor)

109.         Ans: (A) Retreivable     (Correct spelling is Retrievable)

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 110 to 112) Choose the most appropriate preposition and complete sentences.

110.         Ram was amazed …………. His behaviour:
Ans: (D) At

111.         He has a distaste …………… publicity:
Ans: (C) Against

112.         The security guard sits ……….. the security officer:
Ans: (B) Beside

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 113 & 116) A short passage is given. After the passage you will find questions based on that passage. First read the passage and answer questions based on it.

            The prisoner awaited his chance. For three solid years he had schemed for this opportunity. Now that escape seemed so near at hand, those three years lost some of their monotony, low diet, and worse still the mental strain of those black days. Suddenly the warden did what he hoped. He stopped to unlock the lower padlock. With a dull thud he slumped forward with keys in his hands. Swiftly the prisoner seized his keys, unlocked the cell, and ran into the courtyard. It took him four seconds to reach the rope ladder secretly placed there by his accomplices, five more to clamber over the wall, and three more to jump into the waiting car to be whisked away to freedom. Even though he was guilty, the prisoner felt he had paid for his crime, for the man he had robbed three years ago was still a millionaire.

113.         What had been the crime of prisoner:
Ans: (A) Robbery

114.         Who slumped forward with a dull thud?
Ans: (C) The Warden

115.         Who had placed the rope ladder:
Ans: (D) Accomplice

116.         When had the crime been committed:
Ans: (B) Three years earlier

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 117 to 119) Find the one word substitution in each of the following sentences.

117.         A school boy who cuts classes frequently is a:
Ans: (B) Truant

118.         A place where bees are kept is called:
Ans: (A) An apiary

119.         Animals that can live both on land and water are called:
Ans: (B) Amphibian

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 120 to 123) In the following questions, the descriptive sentence is aptly described by just one word. Select the choice which give the meaning most appropriately.

120.         A person who creates disorder in a state:
Ans: (C) Anarchist

121.         To turn friends into enemies:
Ans: (B) Alienate

122.         A person reserved in his speech:
Ans: (B) Reticent

123.         Increase the speed of a vehicle:
Ans: (C) Accelerate

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 124 & 125) In each of the following questions, choose the alternative which can replace the word printed in bold and italic without changing the meaning of the sentence.

124.         When he returned he was accompanied by a sprightly young girl:

125.         The art movie I watched this evening has put me in a pensive mood:
Ans: (D) Reflective

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 126 to 129) In each of these questions, a sentence is divided into three parts A, B, C. If there is some error in any parts A, B or C, then this your answer, otherwise answer is D.

126.         I advised (A)/ to him (B)/ to do his work properly (C)/ No error (D)
Ans: (B) correct sentence is “I advised him to do his work properly”

127.         The bomb caused (A)/ extensive damages (B)/ of the surrounding buildings (C)/ No error (D)
Ans: (C) correct sentence is “The bomb caused extensive damages to the surrounding buildings”

128.         There were (A)/ hardly no trees left (B)/ just bare rocky land (C)/ No error (D)
Ans: (D) No error

129.         You can not (A)/ prevent me (B)/ to go there (C)/ No error (D)
Ans: (D) No error

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 130 & 131) Arrange the following sentences/phrases in a correct sequence and select the corresponding choice from (A), (B), (C) and (D).

130.         Jumbled sentences/pharases:
M        and took him to hospital
N         His friend came and
O         He cried for help
P          Killed the snake
Q         A snake bit the gardener

Ans: (C) QONPM

131.         Jumbled sentences/pharases:
M        He was confused
N         He made a wrong choice
O         Ram attended the test
P          He tried to guess the answer
Q         about a question

Ans: (B) OMQPN

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 132 & 133) In each of these questions which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) should replace in phrase given in underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically correct.

132.         Unless you dedicated to your studies, you can not expect success:
Ans: (A) Unless you dedicate to

133.         He likes to fishing and to swimming:
Ans: (D) Fishing and swimming

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 134 & 135) Each word given in the alternatives are matched with its synonym and antonym. One is not correctly matched.

134.    Word                     Synonym                    Antonym
            (A) Abscond               Flee                             Remain
            (B) Abate                    Suppress                     Rise
            (C) Abash                   Confused                    Confident
            (D) Acquit                  Convict                       Exonerate
            Ans: (B) Abate
A) Decease                Death                          Birth
            (B) Demean               Humiliate                   Respect
            (C) Defer                   Advance                      Postpone
            (D) Deem                   Recon             Overlook

            Ans: (C) Defer

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 136 to 139) The words of proverbs and sentences are given in a jumbled manner. If the words are arranged properly, they make a readable sentence. Pick a choice which gives the correct sequence of words:

136. Death, before, times, their, cowards, many, die:
                1            2         3        4         5            6      7
            Ans: (C) 5763241

137. Memory, liar, a, a, good, needs:
                    1          2   3  4     5        6
            Ans: (A) 326451

138. Burnt, fire, a, child, dreads, the:
                 1       2    3     4        5        6

            Ans: (A) 314562

139. Of, mind, face, is, index, the:
                1      2        3     4     5       6

            Ans: (C) 345162

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 140 & 141) In the following questions arrange the given sentences/phrases in a coherent sequence and select the corresponding choice (A), (B), (C), (D).

140. Jumbled sentences/phrase:           
            M        Which cannot be tackled
            N         Female literacy rate
            O         The empowerment of women
            P          Without raising the
            Q         In India is a vital issue

            Ans: (C) OQMPN

141. Jumbled sentences/phrases:
            M        Sachin was bowled out
            N         Eventually they lost the match
            O         Of 87 runs
            P          India batted poorly after
            Q         By a very big margin

            Ans: (A) PMNQO

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 142 & 143) In the following questions four choices are given. Find the odd one out:

142. Ans:
143. Ans:

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 144 & 145) In the following questions a sentence is followed by four choices. These are choices for the underlined portion of the sentence. Select the best choices as per usage of the language.

144. He was the President of the society since the past seven years:
            Ans: (B) For

145. It was revealed that the lady’s interests were painting, writing and to trek:     
            Ans: (B) To paint, write and trek

DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 146 to 148) In each of the following sentence a word or phrase is underlined and given a number. Pick a choice of number where the error exists.

146. After the critics see the two plays, they will as a result of their experience
           1                                                                  2                           3
and background, be able to judge which is the most effective and moving:  
            Ans: (B) 2

147. Though Joshi bowled real well, Australia scored 200 runs in 40 overs as a
             1                                 2                                3                                             4
result of good batting:
            Ans: (B) 2

148. The text-book used in a college class usually always contains an
                                  1                                                2                  3
introduction, a glossary and an annotated bibliography:
            Ans: (B) 2

DIRECTIONS: (Question Nos. 149 & 150) Each of these questions consists of a word given in capital letters followed by four words marked (A), (B), (C) & (D). Choose the word that is most nearly similar meaning to the word given in capital letters.

            Ans: (B) Lazy


Answers for question nos. 124, 142, 143 & 150 could not be identified. Answers for the same are welcomed!

Collected by: K.Kannan, LRPA, Thottiam S.O. 621215. Cell no. 9788669230 Mail ID: